Windows Vista Helpful Error Message of the Day normally the messages from microsoft are either non-descript BSOD error codes or helpful such as “Out of Disk Space,” but today I got a very nice one which you can see here:


I like how Microsoft tells you that “the following information may help you resolve the error.”  I was expecting a “disk full” error or something.

The error message….”Catastrophic Failure” seems quite terminal and would certainly scare me if I relied on the backup.


This Christmas… Blu-ray for All!

While I was a big fan of HD-DVD, Toshiba should not have given up so easily in my opinion, I do like high quality audio and video.  This year for “Black Friday” and other retailers offered many Blu-Ray DVDs for less than $15 and in many cases for $7.99!  Normally after getting stuffed with turkey and cranberry sauce, I check out the ads in the paper and websites online to see if there are any items I am interested in getting.

BF 2009

This  year I was looking to get several Blu-Ray movies, a second Blu-Ray DVD player for by bedroom, and potentially a 500 GB portable external hard drive.  In years past I have picked up external hard drives, but mine are only 120 GB and it is much cheaper to buy a whole new setup than to attempt to open up an old enclosure and replace the internal hard drive.

As in years past, I have attempted to find deals online in order to avoid the long lines, and getting offered a blanket by the mobile homeless shelter vans waiting outside late Thanksgiving evening.

Two years ago, Best Buy had the same prices online as in the store.  I was able to order them very early in the AM…Best Buy would pull the items before opening, and at my convenience, stroll in with my ID and in less than 10 minutes be out with my loot!!!  Last year they decided to have “in store only” specials so many of the items I wanted could not be ordered online.  I guess this is only fair for those poor souls who waited all night for something I ordered from my couch just after midnight and got a good nights sleep.

Online Specials / Cyber Monday (Week)

This year stores had specials online Thanksgiving day and Black Friday.  Smart move since the retail stores were closed on Thanksgiving..making extra money!  Many “Cyber Monday” specials went on for a week this year.  Amidst the recession, a few extra days likely helped retailers. (Retail Empire)

After this year I could have probably benefited from $79 prime shipping, but I am still okay waiting for Free Super Saver shipping from

To my surprise, prices on were the same or very close to that of the local retail store Black Friday in-store only offers.  Great news for me!  Not only did I not have to get up early, I did not have to pay for shipping and there is still no tax being charged.  Granted, at the time of this post, I am still waiting for some items I ordered, most have already been delivered with the others scheduled for delivery before Christmas.

5 AM Friday Morning

I did get up at 5 AM on Friday morning to see if I could get “The Wizard of Oz” on Blu-Ray for $12.99 and a 500 GB External Portable Hard drive for $59.99.  I am happy to say I got 2 copies of the movie, but due to the incompetent staff at Target, was not directed to the location of the hard drives until after they were all gone.   I asked 3 employees and each directed me to the wrong place.  I discovered the location only after asking a shopper who happened to have some in her hand!!!

I gave the second copy of the movie away as a gift to a fellow Blu-Ray watching friend.  I could not pass up the deal…$12.99 for a movie that retails for $43.99!!!

Blu-Ray Prices Dropping?

I was able to pick up a current model 1080 p Sony 2.0 BDLive player for $118 from Amazon.  Currently it is $170 on  Movie prices also seem to be dropping.  New Releases seem to be cheaper.  The last 2 I bought I was able to get for $19.99, though today, $25.99 for Julie and Julia.

While DVD will not be replaced by Blu-Ray, I believe that all media will go away before that happens, I do notice and appreciate the better audio quality.  I use an HD-Projector, so cannot really discern a difference in Video Quality.
