Jason Clock’s Clock #2

As promised…Clock 2.

I have been to the MoMA in NY, but not sure if I saw this clock there or if my Google searches for interesting clocks, which I do on occasion, turned up this unique clock and referred me to the most cost effective option.

Clock #2 MoMA Dial Clock by Eric Janssen


March 2015 at a now defunct online store. I tried to order a second clock from Amazon, but I ended up with some very expensive networking cables so it seems that Amazon does not have everything. A recent search today also comes up with nothing and that includes eBay that claims to have everything, well you can “search” for anything.


Designed by NY designer Eric Janssen, this analog clock tells time in a unique way. There is a single red line at Twelve O’Clock that indicates the time. There are 60 minutes on the inner dial and twelve hours on the outside dial, both of which move clockwise.

To tell the time you just look at the red line and take the lowest of the hour numbers being displayed and then with the minute markings, can get the minutes very precisely. In the photo above it is just about 3:58. While there is no AM or PM indicator on this clock, unless you are in an underground bunker, or like my World Jamboree trip with the Boy Scouts in 1995 where I took a nap after a flight to London and work up a few hours later panicking that I had missed the bus only to discover it was 7 PM :), it is not an issue.

Current Usage

Just like most of the clocks I have, they are decorative and potential conversation starters. I like many have resorted to my cell phone for alarms since it is generally nearby and adjusts automatically for daylight savings time. A discussion for a later time, but I propose we get rid of daylight savings and time zones for that matter to make meeting scheduling with global partners easier. Let’s use GMT as the starting point.

At the moment the clock is in my living room above my TV. I actually have a charged battery in it so it does show the current time. My Cuckoo Clock is ticking away, but since I turn it off to get some sleep, will never show the correct time until I have a soundproof location to set it up.


For next week I have a few clocks to choose from, but I think I will discuss my bicycle clock.

Diabetic (Keto) Shopping

So it’s been 3 months since I was diagnosed a diabetic and I generally have by blood sugar under control. When testing my blood glucose I have a general idea if it’s high or low based on the viscosity of my blood.

Yes, that was a totally random discovery that is not at all related to shopping. Back on track. I’ve found that carbs really do throw my blood sugar out of whack so I do tend to gravitate towards foods high in protein, low in carbs, and whenever possible, low in fats, especially saturated.

One of my favorite foods as a child seems to be a great fit for a diabetic. Cottage cheese! I put cottage cheese on pretty much anything. I used to put it on pizza to cool it off…. similarly hotdogs too.

My brother and I called it “chips and cheese” growing up and we always had a barrel of tortilla chips to dip. Now that I am responsible for the purveying of foods to include payment, I travel across the city to save more than 50% on this protein packed favorite!


While I didn’t have stores near me growing up, I saw them when biking in The Netherlands, and a German colleague raved about it and Lidl.

The closest store to me is about 3.5 miles away in NE DC and while I should take my own bike, I have been using the electronic assist bikes from Capital Bikeshare to get me there in under 30 minutes for $1 each way. This is pretty good considering I take city streets the entire way.

Shopping Box?

Since I’m on bike with my messenger bag I don’t take a cart inside the store, nor do I usually have a quarter to release on to begin with, I grab a medium sized thick cardboard box. I normally get several cottages cheeses at the bargain price and need a sturdy box to make it through the store. It’s too bad they don’t have baskets, but maybe it’s an issue with theft or more likely since I haven’t seen them at any of the locations I’ve been to in search of “wicked grove” hard cider which sadly I have given up, but is much smoother than Angry Orchard, believe the reasoning may be the same model that Frozen Yo uses. Give them a large cup and charge by weight. It takes a lot of self control to not spend $15 on the tart deliciousness. 🙂 Give them a shopping cart and they will fill it up! No baskets at Costco either now that I think about it. Sometimes you need a flatbed there.

Back on task…. Generally I’m able to get everything into my bag, but as I’ve discovered additional items, or those with exceptional value, I end of needing to strap a box onto the bike rack paying extra care to avoid the terribly maintained streets and planned speed calming humps.

Shopping list

  • Cottage cheese $1.59 for 24oz!
  • Prosciutto $2.69 for 4oz
  • Hot and spicy pork rinds $.95 for 3.5oz
  • Raspberries for $2.29 and occasionally $1.25 🙂
  • Blackberries
  • Pears
  • Luncheon meats and sliced cheese
  • Italian sausage and brats
  • Scallops for $5.49 a pound!

Special purchases

So there are one time buys on presumably overstocked items from mainstream companies, but the above list is what I normally go for. I didn’t find black or raspberries today which are particularly good for diabetics or those conforming to a keto diet, but I did get strawberries for $1.29 a pound which is very good considering they don’t seem to be in season now.

Another random find (that I should not have purchased due to carb content) was Bacon Habanero pretzel chips or “slims” legally. There was Parmesan Garlic in addition to the usual sea salt and everything varieties. I will have to say the generic pretzel chips don’t have the consistency of the mainstream brand, but I did taste the bacon flavor, but could have really used more habanero.

Speaking of snacks that really pack a heated punch, mainstream manufacturers are really stepping up the heat from Chex mix and Bugles to Doritos. I normally laugh at the warnings on the packaging, but heed these warnings.

Jason Clock’s Clock #1

Perhaps this comes as a surprise, but with a last name “Clock” I have had some timely jokes over the years from people asking me for the time or expectations of punctuality which I do try to be.

Now that I have a functional website again, it’s time to start a new category. Wait for it…. yep, Jason’s clocks.

I have a fair number of clocks to one day display in a soundproof room dedicated to them :). For now I just have the noisy electronic clocks on a 12 hour cycle so I don’t have to set them each day. Thankfully there is no AM or PM designation on these.

The entries that follow are in no particular order though I will try to give some context on when I acquired them and if known, the date and country of manufacture. If there are any clock aficionados out there, please help by fact checking and filling in missing information if possible.

Clock #1 W. German Cuckoo Clock


July 2018 in Columbus Ohio at an auction house / consignment boutique. I was visiting some friends and found this in a rather large antique store on final sale. I believe I paid roughly $30 for the clock as it was subsequently marked down as if it were a floor model in a retail furniture store lowered every few days until someone decided it was worth it. This process seems very equitable with the most profit going to the seller, but eventually selling. Like online auctions where there is an option to buy it now or place a bid, or offering a lower price, waiting for the price to drop to what you are willing to pay may result in you missing out.


Based on some websites it seems that this clock was made after 1970. Based on the “W. Germany” designation on the face I would think it was fabricated before the unification of Germany in 1990.

The clock requires the metal pinecone weights to be raised each day. Each hour the door above the analog clock opens and “cuckoos” once for each hour with a single “cuckoo” on the half hour.

Current Usage

I will have to admit that I use this clock for some background noise and since I live in a small apartment, with no way to have the bird go to sleep at night, I stop the clock when sleeping. While I cannot look at the clock for the time, it does remind me every passing hour (and 30 minutes) on days when I’m at home. Unlike many, I continue to go into work during the pandemic so I don’t go “Cuckoo.”


For next week I’ll move from this novel and touristy clock to a more contemporary one from the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

306181: Volunteer Update

It has been quite some time since I have blogged, so let’s start 2016 off right with a post!

As of the end of 2015, I have talked to 306181 visitors between the national park service, capital pride, Smithsonian National Zoo, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, etc.  This is on track with 35 years to meet my goal of 1,000,000 visitors!

  • 227272: Air and Space Visitor Services
  • 6923: Air and Space Education
  • 55445: National Zoo Interpretation
  • 198: National Zoo Tour Visitors
    • Tour Donations: $263.00
  • 5469: Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA)
  • 10874: Other Events

306181 Visitor Contacts

2419.5 Total Hours

