Honda of Tysons Corner
In an attempt to sell more gas powered cars when car companies are unable to keep up with demand for Hybrids even though they are being sold at a higher cost, Honda of Tysons Corner has produced a document given to those interested in their Civic Hybrid which basically says….”At the current price of gas, it will take 13 years based on some magical number of miles driven to make up ~$4000 price difference between gas only and hybrid.
WOW. That is like saying, don’t recycle, just trash your glass bottle since you have to walk 4 feet to the recycle bin from the trash can that is in front of you!
Awaiting Response….
So I wrote to the Tyson’s Honda dealership and while I did not ask for an response, in fact did not want to hear the excuse, have not heard anything besides the automated “We got your email.”
Since I was not able to find an email for Honda USA customer service, I am going to write them a letter to see if I can find out if this is a corporate recommendation or a local dealership trying to sell more cars.
Hybrids are not new
I really do blame Honda for not meeting demands. It is not like they are brand new and everyone wants one. They have been in production for quite some time and since they cost the consumer more, would think you would want to have more available. Now I have heard that the actual cost to produce a Hybrid is much more than a standard combustion engine and maybe that is why production is slow since there would be a greater loss of revenue.
Recycled costs more
In any event, I will keep you updated. In the mean time, don’t let anyone tell you it is bad to help the environment. Sure it does for some unknown cost more money for the recycled products we buy such as paper, or the reduced container refills such as laundry detergent, but for the sake of future generations, please don’t give up over a little money.