No Soliciting!!!!

Hmm…sometimes I wonder if signs really do anything.  Probably not, stop signs don’t work, don’t walk signs don’t work….so why would a No Solicitation sign in my apartment building mean anything?  First of all, it is only in English, and I am betting that 30% of Americans have no idea what that big word means!  Perhaps No Flyers or a picture would work better to get to more people if they care.  

So…tonight, I heard a flyer come under the door.  Normally I am at work and see it when I get home.  I opened the door, walked over to the kid (would not had they been built or older as I have never been in a fight), Adrenaline pumping, and told him that he is not allowed to hand out the flyers.  He looked a little shocked and took out his earbuds.  I took the flyers from him and walked back into my apartment and locked the door.  He walked around a bit and then I heard him get into the elevator.  I took the stack of 500 flyers, he probably covered the floors above or below me already, and presented them to the concierge.  I recycled them and pointed out the kid who was just outside the front entrance.  She walked out, asked him if he was handing out flyers, and then was told that if he ever did it again, they would not be able to deliver.  He ran off scared.

I felt like a hero today..but if he were older, probably would not have messed with him…and if he were experienced, would not have let me take the flyers and would have taken off running.

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