Georgetown U Dupont Circle Route Change

Back on April 4th Georgetown announced, without any notice, that the bus which transports faculty, staff, students, and more to the campus from Dupont Circle would take a longer route to avoid the local neighborhood.  While we don’t know the real reason for the change, rumors suggest neighbors complaints on noise and vibration of their old homes.  The bus now takes a twice as long to get to campus as it travels up to the National Cathedral and then down Wisconsin to campus.  The new route removes busses from a 4 block section across Rock Creek Parkway.  

For some reason this really bothered me.  Besides getting up earlier for the longer ride in, I think I truly did not like the new route.  If it were a scenic route I probably would not complain about the longer ride.  I vowed to buy a bicycle and checked out bikes at a local shop on Tuesday and walked to work on Wednesday since I did not find a bike on Tuesday night.  See my next post on by bike decision…..

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