Down with Fedex!
After having a delightful time missing delivery attempts that were made virtually (aka without attempting), I have come to the conclusion that both Fedex Ground and Fedex Home Delivery are together the worst delivery company!Besides having no way to change the delivery address for a “Home Delivery” package other than having the shipper do it, there is also no way to have “Ground” take over delivery in the event that a shipper thinks your address is residential. It was great having the possibility of getting my package delivered on a Saturday as it was to be, but only to find out after talking with a number of nice, and apparently not so knowledgeable reps, having the delivery driver not even attempt delivery, rather just scan the package and enter ” Business Closed” as the reason for not delivering.I waited outside for a no show! If the driver came by I would have seen him, but alas, he probably was taking a break in a parking lot somewhere. It would not have been so bad if it was for me, but it was a gift and I had done my best to not reveal the present…but as you will see, the additional time it took to deliver got to me and I spilled the beans Saturday :(To make things worse, Monday was Memorial Day and since “Home Delivery” works Tues – Sat, they were given Tuesday off. So Wednesday comes along and …what? No delivery? This time I check status and it says “No one available, business closed at 6:15 PM.” First of all, having already identified, without driving by that it was a business, don’t you think you would come before 5 PM on a business day? Hmmmm. Guess Not. In any case, I was again waiting outside as the status at 5 PM was “Out for delivery” and would you believe it…..the invisible truck came and went!Thursday – After being escalated to a “Customer Advocate,” nice name for supervisor, and being told that the station would call me and let me know which door the driver attempted delivery the day before, I heard nothing. Again, 5 PM rolls around and no package in sight. You can probably imagine I am a bit perterbed.Friday – I receive a call from Fedex at the Station in MD, “I have your package in my hand and am giving it to the driver now.” Yeah, perhaps today will be my day..almost a week after the first “phantom” truck came to deliver. All along I was told that “Fedex drivers do not have cell phones, if they do they are personal.” So needless to say, it would be nice if they did like UPS so I could have not waited for a package that was not coming. Finally the package arrives at 4 PM, I was getting concerned that late in the day on a Friday, and the driver was talking on his cell phone!This was the better of the 2 stories to share..but the other one I will mention briefly was with “Ground” and my package sat in a transport trailer for more than a day and was not delivered on Friday as it was to be and I did not get it until the middle of the next week with many calls to customer service and a shipping charge refund.With that said…how are your experiences? Good and Bad. In the polls below, vote for the worst and best based on your personal experiences.