Over the years I have had various cracks at a journal. I do hope that this one will go on longer than my previous paper ones. I would think that would depend on the money making of this site and also my interest.Georgetown University has a number of traning classes, many of them are free for those who work there. One of these classes is based on Steven Covey’s best seller, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” For more information on the this and the training classes, visit Franklin Covey.With that said, I have always been efficient. While that is great for getting tasks done quickly, many of them routine, it does not relate at all to effectiveness. Should I be spending the time on a task even though it is completed efficiently? In the class we talk about Paradigm shifts, changes in your personal view of the world. In fact, Steven Covey goes sofar as to say that you react how you want to react to a situation. For example, if you get upset when your children don’t do something you ask and start yelling at them….that is your response to the situation. If you pause before responding, you can gather your thoughts and think about how not to get all worked up. In this case, you could simply “go to your room.” While this seems like a punishment, you have removed yourself from the situation, can calm down, and your children will likely calm down.Now that I have mentioned a little background, I am going to blog my paradigm shifts.